Saturday, January 31, 2009

I love it when a plan comes together

To be perfectly honest I'm amazed this worked. I'll likely be using the upper control arm mount bracket to adjust static camber by means of shims. As such, no shims will be the most camber you can throw at the thing, and I have to design accordingly. Previously I had been doing all my design at 0 inclination. Went in, changed my mates around to set the RF wheel and tire at -4 camber, and bam! All the a-arms automatically regenerated and no mates fell apart. No parts flew off into infinity! Now I can go change my track width, max static camber, upright geometry, or chassis geometry, and everything should automatically regenerate to fit. Beaut!

And yes, I realize that wheel-side upper control arm pickup is going to bind in full droop. It's all placeholder.

What's next? Tried getting some of the rudimentary geometry into the OptimumK demo, but had some issues. Cool software but to be honest it doesn't seem very robust. Don't think I'll be shelling out $1700 for it just yet! I'll have to think of a better way. Now that I think of it, for simple stuff where I don't have any anti-___ geometry I could probably make a simple front-view sketch in CAD and do some simple analysis that way. That might be perfect! Nice!

1 comment:

Ed Pratt said...

Tom, have you used susprog3d? its pretty cheap and will give you decent kinematic analysis very quickly. Ed