Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weekly news - Australia beats UK!

Turns out gives me the option of looking up traffic stats for this site in a variety of ways. Giving an engineer data is always a bad decision as invariably they will waste way too much time looking at it in every way imaginable, and then ultimately present it in such a manner that suits their own ulterior motives, hidden agenda, or mood.

Not only do I get to see this, but also where people came from that clicked links to this blog, as well as Google search terms that brought them here as well! Some of the search strings were pretty interesting. In any event, this week saw a boost in views from Australia, mainly on account of a couple forum posts from Race Magazine. Welcome Aussies. Also had a few referrals from a 'Formula SENA' forum which I believe originates in Columbia. From what Spanish I recall, the post title was basically, "This blog has interesting pictures." ¡Bienvendio!

...e io sono un po triste che ci sono poche persone dall'Italia. Spiegate la parola, miei amici italiani!

For anyone else casually reading the blog, feel free to click the 'follow' button over on the right. It's interesting for me to see how many people check this out on a regular basis. 83 and counting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


You don't understand how much this means to an Australian.